- Backhand Volley Dink
- Ben Johns
Hi, we'll be going over the technical aspects of the backhand volley dink. So first the volley is of course anything you take out of the air now, we're not trying to do anything special with this. Volley. We're still trying to get it back in the kitchen and make it unattackable. So the reason I like the shot a lot is the first of all it takes away your opponent's time. Secondly, you're always in a position to hit an offensive ball win that opportunity arises that ball goes a little bit high you're already in a position to attack it. Whereas if you're backing up off the line all the time that high ball that you get once in a while you may no longer be attackable because you're not at the line anymore. That's why it's very good stay up here and volley everything you can comfortably Another thing you want to bear in mind though is you've got to know your comfort zone. You don't want to stretch way out in front of you if that causes you to miss you want to know how far you can comfortably reach your volley without missing and that's mostly just experience and trying this shot over and over until you know, what is comfortable for you. Secondly, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to bend your knees. If you're just standing up here and reaching and bending it your waist. It's a lot more difficult to control the ball down here. I have a perfect idea of where that ball is headed. I can wash the ball all the way into the paddle and all good things come from here, including your offensive opportunities. The other reason I like to shut a lot is not just because it's consistent. Does it make your opponent Miss but also because they feel like they have to hit a better and better shot. Whenever your opponent hits the ball out of the air, you know that it was close to being attacked. So you tend to want to make your next shot better and the better your opponents try to make their shots the more often they're gonna miss and that's exactly what you want. as far as the technique of the of the shot goes the one most important thing after bending your knees is making contact out in front of your body. Your paddle should be out here and you want to make contact all out here. Just kind of flowing from the shoulder. Making contact back near your body like this or being too kind of crunched is definitely not going to help you. So make sure you're on the balls of your feet and reaching out in front this also even helps your offensive opportunities because you're reaching out further which makes the area your opponent can hit it in safely smaller. So you can also see that when I'm volleying you may notice some backspin because the paddles open face now this spin is more incidental than anything. We're not concentrating on spin on this shot. It's just that an open paddle face is what I need to hit the ball where I want it and that will create a little bit of backspin but it's definitely definitely not something to focus on you don't want to try to use any wrist or anything like that to try to get spin nice and easy out in front. Just keep it basic. And there you have the backhand volley dink.